LiDAR Articles

Using LP360 Drone to Process Wingtra LiDAR Data

Watch this Informative Workflow Video to Learn how to Maximize your Wingtra LiDAR data with LP360

Need to process your Wingtra LiDAR? Then be sure to watch our new workflow video designed to guide Wingtra LiDAR users through the process of using LP360 Drone software. This video covers the essential steps to efficiently process and colorize LiDAR data captured by the Wingtra system. Watch below for full details:

Why This Workflow?

Wingtra’s LiDAR system provides highly accurate LiDAR data but additional software can be used to maximise your data. For example, since the LiDAR system is not equipped with a simultaneous scanning camera, you can use LP360 to colorize the point cloud by adding an external orthophoto to your data. Our workflow demonstrates how to enhance your data and create optimized deliverables.

Key Workflow Steps

  1. Import Wingtra Data into LP360: Begin by importing your Wingtra LiDAR data into LP360 Drone.
  2. Create Flight Lines: Organize your data by creating flight lines, which helps in the subsequent processing steps.
  3. Post Processing: Conduct initial post-processing to refine the data.
  4. Perform Strip Align: Align the data strips to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  5. Import Control Points and Perform Debias: Import control points and perform debiasing on the horizontal and vertical axes to correct any systematic errors.
  6. Import an Orthophoto: Import a pre-processed, georeferenced orthophoto that matches the same coordinate reference system (CRS) as your project. If necessary, reproject the orthophoto using LP360.
  7. Colorize the Point Cloud from an Orthophoto: Use the “Color by Image” point cloud task to create a colorized LAS file.
  8. Perform Smoothing: Smooth the point cloud to clean up any noise.
  9. Create a Polygon with the Area of Interest: Define the specific area you are focusing on by creating a polygon around it.
  10. Export the Final LAS: Export the finalized LAS file for your project needs.
A colorized Wingtra LiDAR point cloud in LP360 Drone

For a detailed, step-by-step guide, please visit the accompanying article, “Wingtra processing with LP360” in our Knowledge Base. This resource provides additional tips and best practices to ensure you can make the most of your Wingtra LiDAR data using LP360 Drone.

By following this workflow, you’ll be able to efficiently process and colorize your Wingtra LiDAR data, ensuring high-quality results for your projects. If you need further assistance, please contact one of our software experts today.

For more information with one of our software experts.